Sleep across ages: why do our needs change?

Sleep across ages: why do our needs change?

Have you ever wondered why your sleep patterns seem different now compared to when you were younger? You're not alone. As we journey through life, our sleep needs and patterns evolve significantly. Let's explore how and why sleep changes as we age, from infancy to our golden years.

Key takeaways

  • Sleep needs change throughout life due to biological and environmental factors.
  • Deep sleep decreases with age due to brain changes.
  • Many age-related sleep issues can be addressed with proper knowledge and care.

The building blocks of sleep

Before we dive into age-specific sleep needs, let's understand the basics of how sleep works.

Two key players orchestrate our sleep:

  1. Circadian rhythm: Your body's internal 24-hour clock, influenced by light exposure and hormones like melatonin [1].

  2. Sleep drive: The buildup of sleep pressure throughout the day, regulated by a chemical called adenosine [2].


These systems work in tandem to regulate your sleep-wake cycle, influencing when you feel sleepy and when you feel alert. As we age, changes in these systems contribute to shifting sleep patterns.

Sleep needs across the lifespan

Our sleep needs evolve dramatically as we age.


Let's explore these changes and the science behind them:

Infancy and early childhood: the sleep marathon

Newborns (0-3 months) need a whopping 14-17 hours of sleep per day [3]. Why? Their brains are developing at an astonishing rate, forming millions of neural connections. Sleep provides the downtime necessary for this crucial brain development [4].

As babies grow into toddlers (1-2 years), sleep needs decrease slightly to 11-14 hours. This reduction corresponds with a slowdown in growth rate, but sleep remains vital for cognitive development and physical growth [3].

School-age children and teenagers: the sleep shift

School-age children (6-13 years) require 9-11 hours of sleep. During this period, sleep plays a critical role in memory consolidation and learning [5].

Teenagers (14-17 years) need 8-10 hours of sleep. Interestingly, their sleep needs don't decrease, but their sleep patterns shift. Due to hormonal changes, teenagers' circadian rhythms shift later, making them natural "night owls" [6]. This biological change often clashes with early school start times, leading to what researchers call "social jet lag" [7].

Adulthood: the sleep sweet spot

Most adults (18-64 years) need 7-9 hours of sleep [3]. While physical growth is complete, sleep remains crucial for cognitive function, emotional well-being, and physical health. During this period, career and family responsibilities often compete with sleep, making it essential to prioritize good sleep habits [8].

Older adulthood: the sleep challenge

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Older adults (65+ years) generally need 7-8 hours of sleep [3]. However, getting quality sleep often becomes more challenging due to various factors:

  • Circadian rhythm changes: The internal body clock tends to shift earlier, leading to earlier bedtimes and wake times [9]

  • Sleep architecture changes: Older adults spend more time in lighter stages of sleep and less time in deep sleep [10].

  • Health conditions: Chronic pain, medication side effects, and conditions like sleep apnea can disrupt sleep [11].

  • Decreased melatonin production: The body produces less of this sleep-promoting hormone with age [12].

Remember that everyone's sleep needs are unique. Your ideal sleep duration might fall outside these ranges, and that's perfectly okay! The key is to pay attention to how you feel during the day. If you consistently feel well-rested and energetic after, say, 6.5 hours of sleep, and you find it difficult to sleep longer, there's no need to force changes to your sleep schedule.

The quality of your waking hours is the best indicator of whether you're getting enough sleep. Listen to your body – it's the expert on your personal sleep needs!

As we've seen, sleep needs evolve with age. Along this journey, we experience what are called "sleep regressions" - periods when sleep patterns temporarily change or disrupt. These often coincide with developmental milestones or significant life changes.


Why do sleep regressions happen? 

Sleep regressions typically occur due to:

  1. Developmental milestones: New skills can disrupt sleep as the brain processes new information [13].

  2. Changing sleep needs: As we age, our sleep requirements shift [14].

  3. Circadian rhythm shifts: Hormonal changes can alter our internal body clocks [15].

  4. Environmental or lifestyle changes: Major life events or stress can affect sleep at any age [16].

Common sleep regressions across the lifespan

While sleep can be disrupted at any age, certain periods are known for sleep regressions:

  1. 4-month sleep regression: Babies develop more adult-like sleep cycles [17].

  2. 8-10 month regression: Increased mobility and separation anxiety can affect sleep [18].

  3. 18-month and 2-year regressions: Often align with language development and increasing independence [19].

  4. Adolescent sleep phase delay: Significant shift in sleep patterns due to changing circadian rhythms [20].

  5. Midlife sleep changes: Hormonal shifts, particularly during menopause, can impact sleep [21].

  6. Elderly sleep disruptions: Changes in circadian rhythms and decreased melatonin production can lead to more fragmented sleep [22]. Napping also returns in the elderly population.

Understanding these common sleep regressions can help us anticipate and manage sleep disruptions more effectively. Remember, while challenging, these regressions are usually temporary and often signal positive developmental progress.

The mystery of decreasing deep sleep

One of the most significant changes in sleep across the lifespan is the decrease in deep sleep, also known as slow-wave sleep. Young adults typically spend 15-20% of their sleep time in deep sleep, but by age 60, this can decrease to 5% or less [23].

Why does this happen?

As we age, our brains produce fewer of the slow brain waves characteristic of deep sleep. This is due to changes in brain structure and chemistry, particularly in the frontal lobe [24].

Despite this decrease, older adults can still get restorative sleep through other sleep stages. The body is remarkably adaptable, often compensating for reduced deep sleep by increasing sleep efficiency in other stages [25].

Strategies for better sleep at any age


While sleep needs change with age, the importance of good sleep remains constant. Here are some tips for better sleep:

  • Stick to a consistent sleep schedule: This helps regulate your body's internal clock [26].

  • Create a relaxing bedtime routine: Signal to your body that it's time to wind down [27].

  • Optimize your sleep environment: Keep your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet [28].

  • Limit screen time before bed: Blue light can interfere with melatonin production [29].

  • Stay physically active: Regular exercise can improve sleep quality, but avoid vigorous workouts close to bedtime [30].

  • Be mindful of diet: Avoid large meals, caffeine, and alcohol close to bedtime [31].

When to seek professional help

While some changes in sleep are normal as we age, others might need professional attention. Consider consulting a sleep specialist if:

  • You're consistently tired despite getting enough sleep

  • You have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep

  • You experience unusual behaviors during sleep (e.g., sleepwalking, restless leg syndrome)

  • Your sleep issues are affecting your daily life or mood

A sleep specialist can conduct a thorough evaluation, potentially including a sleep study, to diagnose specific sleep disorders and create a personalized treatment plan.

Remember, good sleep isn't a luxury – it's a necessity for health and well-being at every age. By understanding how and why our sleep needs change over time, we can take proactive steps to ensure we're getting the restorative rest we need throughout our lives.


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Last updated: September 23rd, 2024


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